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Phone: (631) 801-3009
Fax: (631) 801-3027

The District transportation company is Montauk Bus, LLC. You will note their corporate name on the side of all of the school buses at the start of the year. Their headquarters are located at 209 Wading River Road, Center Moriches, NY 11934 and their direct phone number is 631-874-5300.

If you have any questions regarding your child's bus stops or bus letters, please call 631-801-3009. To request a change in bus stops for a non-emergency reason, please send your request in writing via fax to (631) 801-3027. You must include your name, your child’s name, phone number, school, grade, address and reason for your request. Because the beginning of the school year is an extremely busy time, it will take at least 10 school days to respond to non-emergency type of inquiries.

If you believe you have a health and safety concern related to transportation, you must send us the request in writing. Please include your name, your child’s name, phone number, school, grade, address and a full description of your health and/or safety concern. You can also call us at 631-801-3009. Health and safety concerns take priority and will be addressed as soon as possible.

Request forms for before/after school daycare and private & parochial transportation are available on this page under Important Links. All requests must be received by the Transportation Department, located in the District Office no later than April 1st of the preceding school year.

Authorized Bus Routes

Bus routes are subject to change at any time during the school year due to new students enrolling, students being discharged, the number of students assigned to buses and bus route timing.

Routes DAE 23-24
Routes EPE 23-24
Routes ESM HS 23-24
Routes SSE 23-24
Routes TAE 23-24

Important Links