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Special Education & Support Services

Phone: (631) 801-3040
Benjamin Franquiz, Director of Special Education

The Eastport-South Manor Central School District offers a range of Special Education programs and related services to serve the diverse needs of our students with disabilities. We design our programs to meet our student's unique learning needs through a combination of special programs, specially designed instruction, and, if required, related services.

Strictly adhering to the New York State part 200 regulations and federal IDEA law, the district identifies students with a disability through the Committee on Special Education. Consideration of academic, social, management, and physical needs form the basis for the programs and services required. Our Special Education programs and services assure that children with disabilities receive a free and appropriate education up to age 21. 

You may obtain additional information about our programs, services, and the referral process by contacting the Office of Special Education at (631) 801-3040 between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.


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