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Create Your ParentVue Account


  1. Click here to access the ParentVUE Online Registration Account Access page.
  2. To create an account, click, "Create a New Account." A dropdown will open.
  3. In the dropdown, click "Create a New Account" again.
  4. Answer the questions that appear on the screen. Once you have answered all the questions, click "Continue."
  5. The "Privacy Statement" page will open. Review the privacy policy statement and, if you agree to the terms and conditions, click "I Accept."
  6. The "Create Your Account" page will open. Enter your personal information: your first name, last name, and email. Confirm your email. Verify you're not a robot by entering the code on the screen. When you are finished, click "Continue."
    Note: Use an email account you have access to. You will have to use your email account before being able to log into ParentVUE. Each email can only be used once. If you have already created a ParentVUE and are having trouble logging in, visit ParentVUE Tech Support for assistance. Make sure the parent and student names match exactly what is listed in the APS student information system. If the names do not match, then you will not be able to create an account.
  7. The "Account Creation Complete" page will open. Navigate to your email, find the automatically generated message from ParentVUE titled "ParentVUE Registration" and click "here" to complete. This will take you to a password creation screen.
  8. On the "Create Password" page, enter your password and confirm your password. Once done, click "Save and continue."
    Please use a password you can remember and that does not include your name. If you forget your password you can reset it, but this process will require access to your email and extra time.

Congratulations! You are now in your ParentVUE account and can begin online registration or you can link your account to your active students profile.