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Trevor Flores Receives 2024 Congressional App Challenge Recognition

Jr.-Sr. High School junior Trevor Flores. thumbnail264236

Jr.-Sr. High School junior Trevor Flores is the winner in the annual 2024 Congressional App Challenge in New York’s Second District. Andrew Garbarino is the representative.  

The Congressional App Challenge is an official initiative of the U.S. House of Representatives in which members of Congress host contests in their districts for middle school and high school students, encouraging them to learn to code and inspiring them to pursue computer science careers. Each participating member of Congress selects a winning app from their district, and each winning team or individual like Trevor, is invited to showcase their winning app to Congress during the annual #HouseofCode festival this coming spring.  

Trevor’s app, Seandertal, is a Roblox Lua-based survival game where players must dodge objects to the beat of a song. The game combine’s his passion for computer programing, coding and music.  

The district congratulates Trevor on this outstanding accomplishment.  


Date Added: 2/12/2025

Julia Taphouse Wins the Wyland National Art and Classroom Mural Challenge

Eighth grade student Julia Taphouse thumbnail264021

Eighth grade student Julia Taphouse is a winner in the annual 2024 Wyland National Art and Classroom Mural Challenge. Her winning entry is an acrylic mural of a whale and her interpretation of the natural world through art.

The challenge encourages students throughout the nation to give thought to the conservation issues the world faces and to interpret them artistically, thus gaining a greater understanding of their role as caretakers of the environment. This year’s art contest theme was environment and water conservation. Five hundred schools from 45 states participated, and there were 20,000 entries from students in grades K-12. There were three competition categories: classroom life size mural, photography and individual art, of which Julia was a grade winner.

Teacher Joe Bridgwood explained that Julia had been learning how to blend and mix colors in the aspect of the painter Wyland, who is famously known for painting life size marine life on the sides of buildings. Mr. Bridgwood also lauded Julia’s realism that exudes much of Wyland’s flair and realism, as well as his use of light to affect a painting’s depicted environment.

Julia’s winnings included a $50 gift card for art supplies from Blick Art Materials.

Date Added: 2/6/2025

Positive Behavior Rewarded at Jr.-Sr. High School

Students Holding Certificates thumbnail263680

Jr.-Sr. High School students recently recognized students for always being on time for school and being prepared for class. They were recommended by their teachers and selected by the school’s Positive Behavior and Interventions Support Committee, overseen by Assistant Principals Dr. Sheila Dempsey, Daniel Franchese and Peter Caccavale.

Congratulations to the following students selected for this honor:

Grade 7:Gavin Benanti, Tyler Cozzali, Tyler King, Austin Marino, Emma Martinez, Jayden Motta and Shawn Murnane

Grade 8:Ryan Dietz, Sabrina Disney, Chris Everoski,Aiden Griego, Ava Monter, Brady Pfeffer and Julianna Yacovone

Grade 9:Cole Ryan

Grade 10:Lilyana Cupolo-Bangel and Ava Preli

Grade 11:Lizbeth Sebastian Francisco, Jaylin Pentzel, Marcos Garcia Rosales and Pasha Wray

Grade 12:Camdyn Glover

Date Added: 1/16/2025

Top Notes

Student musicians. thumbnail263573

The Jr.-Sr. High School congratulates student-musician John Costanza (tenor I), who participated in the Suffolk County Music Educators’ Association All-County Festival, held at Hauppauge High School on Nov. 15.  

SCMEA brings together the county’s highest-achieving music students to perform in one or several three large ensembles, including concert band, chorus and orchestra. John was nominated by his teachers based on his New York State School Music Association scores from the previous year, as well as for his character attributes. 

Additionally, three student musicians participated in the NYSSMA All-State Winter Conference, held in Rochester on Dec. 5-8. Aaron Isaacson (French horn) was selected for the symphonic band on French Horn and Emma Gallagher (alto I) was selected into the mixed chorus. Double bass player John Schroeder had the rare distinction of being selected to perform in two NYSSMA All-State ensembles. John elected to participate with the Instrumental Jazz Ensemble over the string orchestra. 

The music department is incredibly proud of these musicians and their accomplishments and extends best wishes for success in their music careers moving forward.


Date Added: 1/10/2025

Rewarded for Positive Behavior

Students selected as Student of the Month during the 2024-2025 school year. thumbnail263439

The District selected 24 junior-senior high school students for the new Student of the Month award for the 2024-2025 school year. 

The students were recommended by their teachers and selected by the school’s Positive Behavior and Interventions Support Committee, overseen by assistant principals Dr. Sheila Dempsey, Daniel Franchese and Peter Caccavale.  

Congratulations to the following 24 students selected for this honor: 

Grade 7: Andrew Ackerman, Brody Cognato, Abigail Dosiak, Addison Fiori, Jaxon Gomes and Mason Quinn 

Grade 8: Justin Fricchione, Natalie Hayton, Kaylee Jacobellis, Joshua Jerez, Brayden Mahoney and Payton Satriana 

Grade 9: Joseph DeLuca, Lydia Deptuch and Gavin Marino 

Grade 10: Arlyn Daniela Lorenzo Lima, Isabella Manfredonia and Ethan Schaarschmidt 

Grade 11: Jameson Ackley, Mia Cannavaro and Jaylin Pentzel 

Grade 12: Vincent Abolafia, Carol Chiqui and Jacob Hubbard 


Date Added: 1/2/2025