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Elementary Students Learn Keyboarding Skills

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The District is pleased to pilot Typetastic, a dynamic keyboarding program that engages students in grades K-6 with games while teaching crucial skills, such as mastering the home row keys (ASDF and JKL). Technology specialist Meredith Kramer said she has seen firsthand how Typetastic makes learning to type efficient, fun and tailored to each student's needs.
“It's not just about typing,” Ms. Kramer said. “It's about equipping our students with essential digital literacy skills for their future success one keystroke at a time.”

Date Added: 3/20/2024

The District Becomes ‘Unplugged’

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Students throughout the District put aside their technological devices during the week of March 4-8 in recognition of Unplugged Week. Sponsored by the districtwide Mental Health Committee, the week included daily classroom activities that promoted student awareness of the appropriate use of digital technology and the importance of disconnecting during free time. The week’s activities also encouraged personal connection over digital engagement.

Jr.-Sr. High School Assistant Principal Kristyn Pellegrini explained that Unplugged Week showed students that “they can have fun without devices and that, a lot of times, they are missing out on fun activities because of the constant use of devices.”

At the Jr.-Sr. High School, students analyzed the numbers of their screen time and, while in science classes, learned the science of addiction and the impact technology has on the brain. During social studies, classes discussed the history of the telephone and the benefits of technology and studied the digital lives of teens and code-switching while attending English classes. On March 8, the Jr.-Sr. High School celebrated the Away for the Day Challenge by attempting to completely put away their technology for the day.

Date Added: 3/14/2024

Cereal Drop Video

Students in the hallway with cereal boxes. thumbnail256093


Date Added: 3/12/2024