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South Street School

130 South Street, Manorville, NY 11949

Phone: (631) 801-3140

Fax: (631) 878-4954

Hours: 9:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Grades: K - 2

Principal: John-Michael J. Jackson

Exterior of South Street School

Important Phone Numbers

School Announcements

Teacher Letters

Free and Reduced School Meals

Nurse Packet


Important Information

Transportation Procedures

Morning Drop-Off - Students who take the bus should plan to be at the bus stop at least ten minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. For those parents choosing to drive their children to school, morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up will be at the East Entrance around the corner from the gym doors. There will be plenty of smiles and friendly faces to greet the children as they get off the bus or are dropped off at school.

Dismissal - Our dismissal begins at 3:30 P.M. for our children, and release of classes will be staggered to limit congestion in the hallways and while boarding buses. The classroom teacher will release your child to their bus driver as they pass by. If your child is a walker, parents should park in the East Lot and arrive by 3:25.

If your child rides the bus, please make sure there is an adult present at the bus stop when your child is dropped off at the end of the day. Parents should either call the Main Office or write a note describing any changes to the dismissal procedure for the day and have your child give their note to the classroom teacher.


Please make sure you call the attendance office at 631-801-3144 when your child is absent. If your child is absent, an automated call goes out to your house, work, or cell phone if you haven’t called the school before 10:00 A.M. Once your child returns to school, please send in a note with him/her stating the dates and reason(s) why they were absent from school. If your child arrives late to school, he/she must be signed into school by an adult at the main entrance.

Early Dismissal

I strongly encourage parents to try and schedule all activities and appointments after the school day. If it is an emergency and you need to pick up your child prior to the end of the school day, you should do so before 2:45 P.M. due to safety precautions. To make this process as smooth as possible, please send your child in with a note indicating the specific time you will be picking them up. Children will only be released to parents/guardians or emergency contacts. Photo Identification is required when releasing children to ensure your child’s safety. Please be aware that family members, neighbors, babysitters, etc. under the age of 18 cannot pick up your child under any circumstances.

Emergency Contact

Please update your Emergency Contact Information in ParentVUE as soon as possible. Also, please give careful consideration to the additional names you submit; these persons should be easily accessible to the school, and people to whom you will entrust the care of your child in the event we are unable to reach you in an emergency.

A Final Note

The transition to school is an exciting experience and should be an enjoyable one. In order to help with those first day jitters, I suggest parents:

Be positive when discussing the start of school with your child. Remind him/her of the enjoyable experiences you had in school. Establish a morning and afternoon routine with your child well in advance of school starting. This should include a healthy breakfast and a location for their backpack. READ with your child everyday! It is the best gift you can share with them! We can’t wait to get the boys and girls back into our buildings to begin this year. Please know that our faculty and staff will always strive to provide the best educational experiences to our children to support their social and academic development.


Backpack Express

This year we will continue our “green” initiative to save paper and streamline communication between home and school. The Backpack Express is a way to send most of our communications electronically to an email of your choice. You will also be able to access these notices on this webpage, under the link "Backpack Express."

Going paperless and strong communication between home and school are a priority; therefore, we will be requesting email addresses from all parents/guardians who have internet access. If you change your email at anytime, please call the main office and we will update your information. Overtime, it is our hope that checking your email will become second nature.

For those who do not have internet access, please contact your child’s teacher and let them know and a hard copy of all communication will be sent home in your child’s backpack.


Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety

Common Sense Media is the digital citizenship program that we use at South Street School for our students. Click here for the Common Sense Media website which has more information for parents and students about digital citizenship and age appropriate guides to television, movies, websites and apps. 

South Street News

Elementary Students Learn Keyboarding Skills

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The District is pleased to pilot Typetastic, a dynamic keyboarding program that engages students in grades K-6 with games while teaching crucial skills, such as mastering the home row keys (ASDF and JKL). Technology specialist Meredith Kramer said she has seen firsthand how Typetastic makes learning to type efficient, fun and tailored to each student's needs.
“It's not just about typing,” Ms. Kramer said. “It's about equipping our students with essential digital literacy skills for their future success one keystroke at a time.”

Date Added: 3/20/2024

The District Becomes ‘Unplugged’

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Students throughout the District put aside their technological devices during the week of March 4-8 in recognition of Unplugged Week. Sponsored by the districtwide Mental Health Committee, the week included daily classroom activities that promoted student awareness of the appropriate use of digital technology and the importance of disconnecting during free time. The week’s activities also encouraged personal connection over digital engagement.

Jr.-Sr. High School Assistant Principal Kristyn Pellegrini explained that Unplugged Week showed students that “they can have fun without devices and that, a lot of times, they are missing out on fun activities because of the constant use of devices.”

At the Jr.-Sr. High School, students analyzed the numbers of their screen time and, while in science classes, learned the science of addiction and the impact technology has on the brain. During social studies, classes discussed the history of the telephone and the benefits of technology and studied the digital lives of teens and code-switching while attending English classes. On March 8, the Jr.-Sr. High School celebrated the Away for the Day Challenge by attempting to completely put away their technology for the day.

Date Added: 3/14/2024

Cereal Drop Video

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Date Added: 3/12/2024

Virtual Backpack