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South Street Elementary welcomes author David Adler

South Street Elementary School second grade students listening to author David Adler. thumbnail258185
South Street Elementary School second grade students listening to author David Adler. thumbnail258186
South Street Elementary School second grade students listening to author David Adler. thumbnail258187

South Street Elementary School second grade students in the Eastport-South Manor Central School District recently met iconic author David Adler, who wrote the “Cam Jansen” and “Young Cam Jansen” mysteries and 200 books in total.

Mr. Adler explained his writing process to the students and how he uses real-life events for his stories. He urged the students that, upon returning to the classroom, not to think like second graders, but as writers.

“Writing a story is like drawing a picture,” he said. “Each person has a different version.”

He also explained that his works are put through many revisions, a process he doesn’t mind. He mentioned that his editor and the revisions help to make a better story. He also said that he works on a few books simultaneously. Most importantly, he told the students that if they don’t like the book they are reading, it’s simply the wrong book and to find another.

Date Added: 5/13/2024

Elementary Students Learn Keyboarding Skills

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The District is pleased to pilot Typetastic, a dynamic keyboarding program that engages students in grades K-6 with games while teaching crucial skills, such as mastering the home row keys (ASDF and JKL). Technology specialist Meredith Kramer said she has seen firsthand how Typetastic makes learning to type efficient, fun and tailored to each student's needs.
“It's not just about typing,” Ms. Kramer said. “It's about equipping our students with essential digital literacy skills for their future success one keystroke at a time.”

Date Added: 3/20/2024