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Blowing Bubbles for Autism

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In recognition of Autism Awareness Month, Tuttle Avenue Elementary School students celebrated Bubbles 4 Autism Day. The annual event is dedicated to raising awareness, promoting acceptance and spreading hope for those with autism.

Following a virtual assembly with Principal Jeanmarie Zambelli, students were given bubbles and headed outside to the field for a schoolwide bubble extravaganza. Mrs. Zambelli also talked about autism awareness during her story time, while promoting the social emotional learning (SEL) theme of inclusion.

Not only did the students have a wonderful time together, the activity was a great way to foster a sense of acceptance a connection within the school community.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 4/29/2024

Chick Day

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Tuttle Avenue first graders in Nicole Rau’s class celebrated the hatching of baby chicks, previously incubated in their classroom.Eight chicks were given to the class by the Yaphank Educational Center and placed in the incubator, donated by the PTO.

After the chicks hatched, the school celebrated Chick Day. The morning hosted educational centers and opportunities for students and their parents to meet the newly hatched chicks and to learn other facts about the chicken’s life cycle.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 3/28/2024

Elementary Students Learn Keyboarding Skills

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The District is pleased to pilot Typetastic, a dynamic keyboarding program that engages students in grades K-6 with games while teaching crucial skills, such as mastering the home row keys (ASDF and JKL). Technology specialist Meredith Kramer said she has seen firsthand how Typetastic makes learning to type efficient, fun and tailored to each student's needs.
“It's not just about typing,” Ms. Kramer said. “It's about equipping our students with essential digital literacy skills for their future success one keystroke at a time.”

Date Added: 3/20/2024