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Activ8Kids! NYS School Nutrition and Physical Activity Best Practices Toolkit

The Activ8Kids! program was launched in June 2005 to fight childhood obesity and promote healthy lifestyles among children. This program is a comprehensive approach to fighting the epidemic of childhood obesity that will serve as a model for the rest of the nation.

The goal of Activ8Kids! is to instill in children before the age of eight a daily regimen that includes:

  • consuming at least five (5) fruits and vegetables;
  • engaging in at least one (1) hour of physical activity; and
  • reducing screen time (TV and video games) to fewer than (2) two hours (5+1+2=8).

The State Department of Health along with the State Department of Education, developed the Activ8Kids! School Nutrition and Physical Activity Toolkit to help further improve the health of New York's children.

The toolkit is a resource to help schools improve their nutrition and physical activity environments. It is also intended to assist Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in developing local wellness policies to create a healthier school environment.

School administrators, teachers, parents and community partners can use the toolkit. The toolkit includes information on:

  • assessing the school nutrition and physical activity environment;
  • developing school wellness policies;
  • nutrition guidelines for snacks, vending and fund raising; and
  • best practices for promoting lifelong physical activity through school activities.